The Howard Center
for SCC
Staff work to provide effective services to a range of consumers by employing evidence-based practices (EBP's), including (but not limited to):
Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)
Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
Functional Communication Training (FCT)
Verbal Behavior Intervention
Relational Responding Intervention
Behavioral Skills Training (BST)
Multiple Exemplar Training (MET)
Video Modeling
For more information on evidence-based practices related to treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder, please visit
Within larger, evidence-based instructional frameworks, curriculum and instructional materials are integrated into programming based on client strengths, areas of need, developmental level, and interests. Skill areas frequently targeted for treatment include requesting, imitation, labeling, following instructions, answering questions, motor coordination, tolerating, matching, relating, making inferences, problem-solving, play, feeding, toileting, leisure, and perspective-taking.